YEMEN Press Agency
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Violent confrontations erupted in Shabwa

SHABWA, Feb. 28 (YPA) - Violent confrontations broke out on Tuesday, among tribes in in the oil-rich Shabwa province, eastern Yemen. Local sources familiar with the matter said the clashes erupted between the tribes of al-Abadlah Al Dayan…

Tribal clashes renew in Shabwa, eastern Yemen

SHABWA, Feb. 19 (YPA) - Violent clashes erupted on Thursday between the sons of Al-Awaleq tribes in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, amid an alarming rise in tribal feuds in the oil-rich province. Tribal sources reported that clashes broke…

Sources reveal causes of daily tremors in Shabwa province

SHABWA, Feb. 14 (YPA) - Media sources revealed on Monday that the Saudi-led coalition countries were digging tunnels and secret military fortifications in the occupied Shabwa province, which were behind the unknown tremors in Ataq city.…

Angry protests in Shabwa extend from Radhom to Bayhan

SHABWA, Feb. 11 (YPA) - The scope of local protests has expanded in Yemen's eastern province of Shabwa, controlled by the Saudi-led coalition militia, which has been witnessing security chaos and a complete absence of state authorities…

Man killed in Shabwa gunfire

SAHBWA, Feb. 03 (YPA) - A man was killed on Saturday in a shooting at the outskirts of the city of Ataq, the provincial capital of Shabwa, in eastern Yemen. Local sources said that the citizen, Nasser Mohammed Al-Khuraibi, was shot dead by…