YEMEN Press Agency
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Foreign woman found murdered in Ataq

SHABWA, Sept. 11 (YPA) - Citizens found the body of a foreign woman who was murdered in the middle of the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa governorate, which is located under control of the UAE-backed factions. Human rights sources…

Armed protests cut off coastal road in Shabwa

SHABWA, Sept. 09 (YPA) - A number of members of the Shabwani elite blocked the coastal road in Shabwa governorate for the second time in protest against their dismissal by the leadership of the UAE forces in the governorate. The protesters…

Pro-UAE factions kidnap prominent religious sheikh in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 31 (YPA) – Gunmen of the UAE-funded “Al-Amaliqa” factions kidnapped on Saturday one of the most prominent religious sheikhs in the Baihan district of Shabwa province, which is under the control of the factions. Local sources in…