YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Tribal sheikh assassinated in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 02 (YPA) - A prominent tribal sheikh was killed on Tuesday by gunmen loyal to the governor of Shabwa province, Awad al-Wazir, northwest of the city of Ataq, the center of the province. Informed sources in the province said,…

Citizens find body of murdered person in Lahj

LAHJ, May 12 (YPA) - Citizens found a slaughtered body of a person near one of the military points of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in Lahj province, southern Yemen. Local sources in the province reported on…

Citizen killed by unknown gunmen in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, May 07 (YPA) - A citizen was killed in Al-Qatn District of Hadramout Province, eastern Yemen, when unknown gunmen intercepted a transport truck loaded with Qat leaves. Local sources said that unidentified gunmen targeted a truck…