YEMEN Press Agency
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Member of UAE-funded militia found killed in Shabwa

SHABWA, Jan. 08 (YPA) - Citizens found on Sunday a body of a recruit affiliated with the so-called “Shabwani Elite” militia killed in the coastal area of Radhom in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, local sources said. According to local…

UAE sends additional forces to Shabwa

SHABWA, Jan. 02 (YPA) - Dozens of Emirati military vehicles carrying members of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militia to Al-Saeed junction, south of Ataq city, the provincial capital of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen,…

Armed tribesmen attack UAE-backed militia in Shabwa

SHABWA, Dec. 20 (YPA) – Armed tribesmen riding a military vehicle opened fire on a point belonging to the UAE-funded "Shabwa Defense" militia on Tuesday in Nissab area, west of Ataq city, the center of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, local…