YEMEN Press Agency
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Citizen disappeared in Shabwa

SHABWA, Sept. 18 (YPA) - One of the citizens disappeared in Shabwa province under mysterious circumstances, local sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources said that the citizen Saleh Nasser Hussein Al-Haddad, 35 years, who lives in Ataq…

Several gunmen killed in Shabwa clashes

SHABWA, Sept. 18 (YPA) - Fierce clashes erupted among the Saudi-led coalition factions in Shabwa province, east of Yemen, killing and wounding several gunmen. Local sources said the confrontations broke out between the tribes of Al-Hadi…

Citizen killed by unknown gunmen in Shabwa

SHAWBA, Sept. 01 (YPA) - Unidentified gunmen assassinated the citizen Muhammad Abd Rabbuh Al-Hadar on Friday in Baihan district of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, local sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources said that the gunmen fled…