YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition officials sell confidential information about oil sector in Yemen

SANAA, Sept. 10 (YPA) – A Yemeni geological expert has revealed that officials loyal to the Saudi-led coalition committed high treason by selling secret information and studies about the most important and promising economic sectors in Yemen to foreign parties.

Abdul-Ghani Jaghman, a Yemeni geological expert specializing in oil and gas, confirmed that the brokerage process has expanded recently to sell information and studies related to mining for the benefit of foreign parties.

“The data bank in the mining sector must be closed, and any information or study must not be leaked or sold to investors in order to obtain personal benefits,” Jaghman said.

He considered selling information related to Yemen in the mining sector a new brokerage and a shameful crime, calling on the pro-coalition government to stop the leaking of this information and to refer those proven to be involved to the concerned authorities.

Over the past years, plundering activities of various natural mineral resources in the Yemeni provinces of Hadramout and Shabwa, including gold, by the Emirati and foreign companies have expanded in exchange for leaders in the “Leadership Council” and the pro-coalition government obtaining certain percentages.