YEMEN Press Agency
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Oil pipeline leak causes environmental pollution in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 24 (YPA)  - An oil leak occurred in one of the pipelines transporting crude oil in Shabwa province, southeastern Yemen, local sources said on Wednesday. According to the source, a large oil leak happened in the pipeline that…

Gunmen loot citizen’s car in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 27 (YPA) – Gunmen, believed to belong to one of the factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition, cut off a citizen and looted his car on Thursday in Shabwa province, southeastern Yemen, local sources said. The gunmen interrupted…

New clashes erupted among Shabwa tribes

SHABWA, July. 26 (YPA) - New confrontations erupted on Wednesday among tribes in Merkhah As Sufla district of Shabwa province, southeast of Yemen. Tribal sources reported that violent clashes erupted between gunmen from Al-Maqarha and Hadi…

Dead young man’s body found in Ataq city in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 19 (YPA) - Citizens found a body of a young man killed on Wednesday in the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa province, which is under the control of UAE-backed factions in eastern Yemen. Local sources in the city confirmed…