YEMEN Press Agency

“Million Poet” found dead in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 18 (YPA) – Citizens found a Yemeni poet competing in the “Million Poet” program in its second edition, a dead body in the north of Shabwa province, which is under the control of the UAE-backed factions, two days after he went missing under mysterious circumstances.

Local sources reported that citizens found the body of the poet Amer Omar Belabid, who died under mysterious circumstances in the desert between the Aster and Al-Uqla areas, north of Shabwa.

According to the circulating story, Belabid returned three days ago from Hadramout province on a taxi and got off at the Arma Junction on the asphalt road, heading the opposite way to take the desert under the pretext of “poor eyesight” west of the Al-Uqla complex, which is controlled by the pro-UAE factions.

It was likely that the poet Belabid died due to thirst without knowing the main reasons behind the accident that claimed his life. It was a great shock to Yemeni and Arab poets and writers, who called for an investigation into the incident.

The Yemeni poet Belabid is considered one of the winners of the “Million Poet” competition for the year 2008. He left the UAE in 2021 for the Arma area in Shabwa. Then he moved to the capital, Sanaa, and took souvenir photos with poets next to the shrine of President Saleh Al-Sammad in Al-Sabeen Square in the center of the capital, Sanaa, in November 2021.

The poet Amer in front of the tomb of President Al-Samad in Sanaa, 2021.