YEMEN Press Agency

UAE-backed factions refuse to hand over accused of killing Dr. Al-Khalifi in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 14 (YPA) – The UAE-backed factions refused to hand over those accused of killing Dr. Salem Abdullah Sayel Al-Khalifi at the beginning of this July at the entrance to the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa governorate.

Tribal sources reported that the Shabwa Defense factions funded by the UAE refused to hand over those accused of shooting the doctor Al-Khalifi, who was killed after he passed on his motorcycle an armed point belonging to the factions at the eastern entrance to Ataq in early July.

The sources explained that the commander of the so-called “Second Brigade” Shabwa Defense factions, Wajdi Baoum, rejected the demands of the sheikhs and notables of the Al-Khalifa Bani Hilal tribe to hand over those accused of killing Al-Khalifi by the driver of a vehicle belonging to the factions.