YEMEN Press Agency
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Local official kidnapped in Aden

ADEN, March 17 (YPA) - The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)'s factions kidnapped, on Sunday, a local official in the coalition-controlled city of Aden in southern Yemen. Human rights sources reported that Transitional Council…

Foreign girl kidnapped, raped in Shabwa

SHABWA, Feb. 16 (YPA) - Human rights sources revealed that a foreign girl was kidnapped and raped last week in the city of Ataq, the center of Shabwa governorate, which is under the control of the Emirati factions in southeastern Yemen. The…

Islah Party elements kidnap poet in Marib

MARIB, Jan. 19 (YPA) - Islah Party elements loyal to the coalition kidnapped, on Sunday, a poet in the middle of Marib city and took him to a secret prison. Human rights sources confirmed that Islah elements kidnapped the poet Rashid…