YEMEN Press Agency
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UAE’s FM: Zionist entity is part of region

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, March 28 (YPA) – The UAE's Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed said on Monday that the Zionist entity has been part of the region for a long time, stressing that there are "great potentials resulting from…

Russian Defense Ministry denies summoning the reserve army

SANAA, March. 26 (YPA) - Major General Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Defense said that many Russian citizens on reservists received false phone calls to the conscription people. The Major General said for the…

China sends fiery threat to America over Taiwan

SANAA, March 24 (YPA) - China's Defense Ministry sent on Thursday a fiery threat to America over Taiwan. The ministry said in a statement "there is not a force can prevent the reunification of China and Taiwan. The remarks "more reveal the…