YEMEN Press Agency
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6 killed in Ukrainian bombing of hospital in Donbas

SANAA, March 13 (YPA) - At least six  civilians killed and others injured in Kiev shelling of a hospital in the town of Volnovakha, the Novosti reported. According to Novosti, Ukrainian forces used a hospital in Volnovakha as a shield to…

NATO launches military exercises in Norway

SANAA, March 13 (YPA) - NATO will launch large-scale exercises in Norway on Monday, testing its ability to defend members subjected to external aggression. Some 30,000 troops, 200 aircraft and 50 vessels from 27 nations will take part in…

Saudi Arabia executes 81 people, including Yemenis

SANAA, March 12 (YPA) - Saudi Arabia announced on Saturday its security forces carried out the largest execution of 81 people, including Yemenis. The Saudi authorities accused the executed of committing crimes, referring them to the…

American forces continue to steal Syrian oil

SANAA, March 12 (YPA) - American forces continued to steal Syrian resources from the Al-Jazirah region, taking out 24 tankers loaded with oil to their bases in northern Iraq on Saturday. According to SANA news agency, the US army “deploys…