YEMEN Press Agency
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Sudanese military aircraft crashed

SANAA, March. 10 (YPA) - A Sudanese military training plane crashed on Thursday morning while carrying out a training mission in north of White Airport in Sudan. Sudan News Agency indicated that the military training plane crashed due to…

Russia announces its withdrawal from European Council

SANAA, March 10 (YPA) -Russia's Foreign Ministry announced on Thursday that Moscow would not participate in turning the Council of Europe into a platform for Western narcissism on the part of NATO and the European Union. In a statement, the…

UN: Dozens killed in violence in South Sudan

SANAA, March 10 (YPA) - Dozens of people have been killed in tribal violence in a disputed area of South Sudan, the UN's emergency response agency OCHA and a local official said Wednesday. In a statement, OCHA said the fighting in the…