YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Citizens find body of murdered person in Lahj

LAHJ, May 12 (YPA) - Citizens found a slaughtered body of a person near one of the military points of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in Lahj province, southern Yemen. Local sources in the province reported on…

Citizen killed by unknown gunmen in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, May 07 (YPA) - A citizen was killed in Al-Qatn District of Hadramout Province, eastern Yemen, when unknown gunmen intercepted a transport truck loaded with Qat leaves. Local sources said that unidentified gunmen targeted a truck…

Yemeni expatriate family attacked by bandits in Shabwa

SHABWA, April 01 (YPA) - A Yemeni expatriate family returning from Saudi Arabia was attacked by an armed gang in Shabwa province in southeastern Yemen. Local sources reported that bandits shot at a Yemeni expatriate accompanied by his wife…

STS factions kidnap one of Taiz sons in Aden

ADEN, March 31 (YPA) - Gunmen in the UAE-backed factions of the “Transitional Council”, kidnapped one of the sons of Taiz province, and took him to an unknown destination in Aden province. Informed sources in the city said that elements in…

Armed attack targets young man in Shabwa

SHABWA, March 27 (YPA) - Unknown gunmen targeted on Tuesday one of the relatives of the Imam and Preacher of Eid al-Adha prayers, Abdullah Al-ban, who was shot dead by members of the “Shabwa defense” in Bayhan area of Shabwa province.…

Foreign citizen kills his wife in Mahra

MAHRA, March 24 (YPA) - A foreign citizen stabbed his wife to death with a knife in the province of al-Mahra, which is under the control of the coalition in eastern Yemen. Media sources quoted that a Somali citizen ,25-year-old, killed his…