YEMEN Press Agency

Aden’s “VOXY” returns to spread terror among citizens

ADEN, Sept. 15 (YPA) – Human rights activists from the city of Aden, which is controlled by Saudi-led coalition forces in southern Yemen, said that the process of detaining citizens and hiding them in secret prisons is still active.

This comes despite the ongoing protests taking place in southern Yemen against kidnappings and secret prisons.

Activists explained that the “VOXY” bus, which was a tool for abducting citizens, kidnapped a citizen named “Hussein Saeed Al-Yafei” from the “Kabuta” neighborhood in the Al-Mansoura District yesterday, Saturday.

The activists believe that the continued kidnapping by armed factions loyal to the UAE confirms their unwillingness to cease their operations.

The activists revealed the increasing kidnappings in Aden have increased significantly after the scandal of Lieutenant Colonel Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani’s disappearance

The motives for these kidnappings are attributed to the escalation of the conflict between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi in southern Yemen, according to the activists.