YEMEN Press Agency

After its success in bombing “Tel Aviv”.. Has Yemen ended myth of Israeli defense systems?

SANAA, Sept. 16 (YPA) – The “Haetz”, “Iron Dome,” and “David’s Sling” systems used by the Israeli occupation army did not succeed in intercepting the hypersonic missile that was launched from Yemen and exploded ten kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport in the capital of the Israeli entity.

The results of a preliminary investigation conducted by the occupation army show that “the Hatz system did not destroy the missile that was launched from Yemen,” according to the Israeli occupation army radio.

Hebrew media reported that attempts to destroy the missile coming from Yemen failed despite the launch of more than 20 missiles from the “Haetz” and “David’s Sling” systems designated for intercepting ballistic missiles.

The arrival of the Yemeni missile from a distance of more than 2,000 kilometers and its explosion in central “Israel” confirm that the air defense systems possessed by the Israeli occupation do not have the ability to deal with this type of missile.

If the Israeli defense systems had the ability to intercept the missile, they would have shot down it before it even entered Israeli airspace, using the “Hetz” system, which is designed to destroy ballistic missiles before they reach Israeli airspace.

Even with the advanced “Hetz” system, it seems that it does not have the ability to deal with this type of missile despite launching a number of interceptor missiles, in addition to the more than twenty missiles launched from the Iron Dome and David’s Sling systems.

The clear inability shown by the air defense systems in front of the Yemeni missile and the “Jaffa” plane that exploded in “Tel Aviv” previously is reminiscent of the inability of the American aircraft carriers to intercept the missiles that the Sanaa forces were firing at them and at the ships linked to Israel.

The inability of these carriers to withstand, despite their possession of high-tech defense means, forced them to escape from the Red Sea.

Observers do not rule out that this scenario will be repeated with American aircraft carriers and Israeli air defense systems, especially since Yemen confirms that it is continuing to develop its missile capabilities at a high pace to bypass and disable enemy air defense systems, which means that Israel may find itself facing more difficult operations.

Finally, we can say that Sunday’s operation, carried out by Yemeni armed forces using a hypersonic missile that accurately hit its target, is only the beginning of a phase to break Israel’s protective shield represented by the air defense systems “Hetz,” “Duad’s Sling,” and “Iron Dome.” It appears that these systems will become a thing of the past, just like the American aircraft carrier that became out of service due to Sanaa forces’ missiles.

This will have a profound impact on the Israeli entity, which has been betting for decades on its superiority in this field and on keeping its lands safe from any missile attack.