YEMEN Press Agency

Young man killed under torture in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 24 (YPA) – A young man was killed under torture inside a police station under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) in the city of Aden, southern Yemen.

Human rights sources reported that the young man, “Abdulrahman Abdo Ali, 24 years old,” died yesterday, Friday, inside the Sheikh Othman District Police Station, two days after he was arrested by STC personnel on charges of theft.

The sources confirmed that Abdulrahman, a resident of the Al-Sisban neighborhood, was beaten and tortured by members of the STC inside the section last Wednesday, until he died under mysterious circumstances.

According to the sources, the officers summoned the young man’s father and informed him that his son had died by suicide inside the prison, but Abdulrahman’s family refused to receive the body, demanding an investigation into the incident.

This incident coincided with demands from the people of the Laqmoush tribes in Shabwa and Al-Jaadna in Abyan to reveal the fate of their sons who were kidnapped and forcibly disappeared in the STC prisons, with reports of their liquidation inside the prisons, including Lieutenant Colonel Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, who has been kidnapped since mid-June.

The people of Aden and the rest of the southern provinces are demanding that the fate of thousands of their sons kidnapped and forcibly disappeared in secret STC prisons be revealed, amid threats of escalation towards widespread protests in all major cities.