YEMEN Press Agency
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Islah Party

STC receives  new Saudi slap in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Feb. 15 (YPA) - The tribes of Hadramout province have agreed upon establishing a joint force to protect the oil companies present in the region, with the support of the Saudi forces. According to tribal sources in the province, a…

Armed confrontations renew in fronts of Taiz

TAIZ, Feb. 07 (YPA) - Armed clashes between Sanaa forces and the Saudi-led coalition forces resumed on Tuesday to the north, east, and west of Taiz city, in southern Yemen. Local sources in Taiz told the "Yemeni Press Agency" that armed…

Hadramout tribes approve recruitment of 10,000 fighters

HADRAMOUT, Jan. 07 (YPA) - The “Hadramout Tribes Alliance” on Saturday approved the opening of the recruitment door for 10,000 members from the valley and desert districts of Hadramout province to confront threats in all districts. This…