YEMEN Press Agency
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Unknown gunmen kidnap security leader in Lahj

LAHJ, June 12 (YPA) - Unknown gunmen kidnapped on Wednesday a security leader in Lahj Governorate, southern Yemen, local sources reported. The sources said that a number of gunmen, who were traveling in two cars, kidnapped the director of…

Citizens survive burning bus accident in Lahj

LAHJ, May 15 (YPA) – A number of citizens survived a burning bus accident in Lahj province, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition in southern Yemen, on Wednesday. Informed sources reported that the bus burned completely in…

Citizens find body of murdered person in Lahj

LAHJ, May 12 (YPA) - Citizens found a slaughtered body of a person near one of the military points of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) forces in Lahj province, southern Yemen. Local sources in the province reported on…