YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Islah Party sends fighters from Taiz to Shabwa

TAIZ, Oct. 13 (YPA) - Informed sources in Taiz province said on Monday that Islah Party loyal to Saudi-led coalition has recruited nearly 2,000 recruits from Taiz to send them to Shabwa province, eastern Yemen. The sources confirmed that…

UAE-backed militias storm planning office in Socotra

SOCOTRA, Oct. 12 (YPA) - The UAE-baked Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militias stormed on Monday the Office of Planning and International Cooperation, in Socotra archipelago province. The STC militia stormed the planning office…

Armed ambush targets STC’s militia in Lahj

LAHJ, Oct. 12 (YPA) – A number of militia recruits of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) were killed on Monday in an ambush in Yafea’ area of Lahj province, southern Yemen. A tribal source said that tribal gunmen launched a…

Violent explosion rocks security department in Aden

ADEN, Oct. 12 (YPA) - A violent explosion rocked Monday evening the headquarters of the Security Administration in the southern port city of Aden, which is under the control of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)'s militias.…

Woman injured by coalition’s sniper in Taiz

TAIZ, Oct. 12 (YPA) - A woman was injured on Monday by a sniper fire loyal to US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition's mercenaries in Taiz province, a security source told Yemen Press Agency. The source declared that a sniper of…

8 Saudi-led air strikes hit Jawf, Marib

JAWF, MARIB, Oct. 12 (YPA) - The US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition's fighter jets launched on Monday evening eight air strikes on various areas in Jawf and Marib provinces, a security source told Yemen Press Agency. In Jawf, the…