YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Qaeda leader killed after clashes in Aden

ADEN, April 28 (YPA) – A leader of Qaeda was killed on Saturday after a operation carried out on a building where he was holed up in Aden province, according to media sources in Aden. The sources pointed out that the Qaeda leader of Aden…

Military commander survives assassination in Taiz

TAIZ, April 27 (YPA) – Military police commander, appointed by resigned Hadi’s authorities in Taiz city, on Friday survived an assassination attempt in Al-Ordhi neighborhood, eastern the city, Yemen Press Agency’s reporter said. Brigadier…

Al-Qaeda threatens activists in Taiz with death

TAIZ, April 27 (YPA) – A number of political and partisan activists in Taiz province have received threats of killing from Al-Qaeda organization. Political and partisan activists and media men announced on Friday their absolute solidarity…

Saudi Arabia executes 48 people in 2018

SANAA, April 26 (YPA) – Saudi Arabia has executed 48 people during the first quarter of the year 2018, half of them convicted in drug cases, Human Rights Watch said in a rapport released on Wednesday. The organization called on the Saudi…

Several al-Qaeda militants Killed In Lahj

LAHJ, April 26 (YPA) - Several of al-Qaeda militants were killed on Wednesday by Yemen army fires in Lahj province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The army launched an offensive against coalition-backed militias' sites in…

Taiz hospitals launch distress call

TAIZ, April 25 (YPA) – Taiz hospital on Tuesday launched a distress call because violent clashes in the center of Taiz between different factions of the coalition gunmen by using all types of weapons, including tanks in front of the…