YEMEN Press Agency

Four Israeli settlers injured in resistance operations in West Bank

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, Aug. 31 (YPA) – Four Israeli settlers were seriously injured in two operations late Friday night in the illegal settlement bloc of Gush Etzion in the occupied West Bank.

According to Israeli media, two people were injured when a car bomb exploded in the “Gush Etzion” settlement south of Bethlehem, while two others were injured in the “Karmi Tzhur” settlement near Hebron.

Israeli media reported that the car bomb explosion in “Gush Etzion” was intended to lure security forces, and when they arrived, a gunman opened fire, injuring two people.

Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper noted that there were two injuries from the car explosion at a gas station near the “Gush Etzion” junction. The newspaper added that a gunman who opened fire at the “Karmi Tzhur” settlement was “neutralized,” and significant reinforcements were deployed to the area.

Channel 12 of Israeli TV reported that two settlers were injured during an attempted infiltration into the “Karmi Tzhur” settlement.

