YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal gunmen detain dozens of fuel, gas tankers in Abyan

ABYAN, Jan. 11 (YPA) – Tribal gunmen detained on Thursday dozens of tankers in Abyan province to protest against the high price of fuel and the catastrophic collapse of the economy without any measures by the coalition government.

Local sources in the governorate confirmed that the people of Khobar Al-Maraqsha area in Khanfar district prevented the passage of fuel and gas tankers from passing on the road in conjunction with the outbreak of an angry demonstration and civil disobedience in the city of Zunjbar, demanding to unity the sale price of oil derivatives, similar to the city of Marib 3500 Riyal per gallon capacity of 20 liters, promising the government to escalate.

The sources explained that the departure of the members of Khobar Al-Maraqsha tribes in response to the call of the coordinator of Ahrar Abyan and they detained fuel and gas tankers heading towards the city of Aden, until the government responds to their demands.