YEMEN Press Agency

UAE factions suppress mass rally in solidarity with Palestine in Aden

ADEN, Jan. 11 (YPA) – A mass rally in solidarity with the Palestinian people has been suppressed on Thursday by pro-UAE factions in the coalition-controlled city of Aden.

According to human rights sources, armed elements in the factions of the “Southern Transitional Council” dispersed a mass rally organized by the “Southern Revolutionary Movement” in Buraiqa area, west of Aden, in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza who are being subjected to genocide by the Zionist entity.

The sources pointed out that the participants in the demonstration raised Palestinian flags and banners supporting the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood without paying attention to the measures imposed by the elements loyal to the Transitional Council.

The participants also condemned serving the Arab regimes in the UAE and Saudi Arabia with the crimes of the Zionist occupation for the fourth month in a row.