YEMEN Press Agency

Clashes break out between Al-Arada tribesmen, Coalition forces in Marib

MARIB, Aug. 22 (YPA) – The city of Marib on late Monday night has witnessed fierce armed confrontations between the tribes of the Al Arada, one of the branches of the Obeida tribe and the Saudi-led coalition forces, in the east of the city.

Tribal sources in Marib told the Yemeni Press Agency that violent clashes broke out between members of the Al Arada tribes and the coalition-backed road security forces, in a key area next to the home of Sultan al-Arada, the Saudi-backed governor of Marib. Al-Arada  is also a member of the Riyadh-formed Presidential Council.

The sources confirmed that clashes lasted for several hours, during which one person was killed and several others were injured.

The sources added that the members of the Al Arada tribe were able to burn down a military pickup vehicle belonging the coalition forces.

According to the sources, the clashes between the two parties came after members of the Arada tribe block road in a protest against the suspension of fuel supply to the stations of the area by the Safer refinery.

The latest news  coming from Marib stated that the clashes  had come close to Al Ashraf farms east of Marib city.

The sources confirmed that tribal mediation is currently under way aimed to reach ceasefire agreement between the two parties.