YEMEN Press Agency

UN: 25,000 people were affected by flash floods in central Sudan

KHARTOUM, Aug. 22 (YPA) – The United Nations announced on Sunday that more than 25,000 people were affected and 2,500 Sudanese were displaced, as a result of torrential rains and floods in Al-Manaqil locality, central Sudan.

The United Nations Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a statement that “between August 16 and 19, heavy rains and torrential rains displaced more than 2,500 people in Al-Manaqil locality, Al Jazeera state.”

The UN office added: “The displaced are sheltering in 4 government schools and a playground in Al-Manaqil city, and they need shelter, food, non-food needs and water.”

It stated that the continued heavy rains affected 17 villages in Al-Manaqil locality, and 9 villages were still surrounded by torrential waters, and more than 25,000 people were affected by this disaster in the area.

According to the statement, humanitarian organizations are on the ground to assess the situation and provide aid as soon as the roads are open.

Al-Manaqil, the largest locality in the state of the island, includes about 545 villages and residential neighborhoods.