YEMEN Press Agency

Coalition commits 59 breaches of Sweden agreement in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, July 4 (YPA) – The Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room reported that Saudi-led coalition forces committed 59 violations of Sweden agreement during the past 24 hours.

A source in the operations room said on Saturday that among the violations were the flying of a warplane in the airspace of kilo 16 area and a spy plane in the atmosphere of the 50th Street in the city of Hodeidah.

He indicated that the violations also included 14 breaches by firing artillery 19 shells and 43 breaches by shooting various live bullets.

A security source in the province announced, earlier in the day, that material damage had occurred in the homes and farms of citizens in al-Jabaliya area of al-Tuhita district due to the coalition artillery shelling on the area.

He added that the coalition forces launched artillery shelling more than once at Al-Hodeidah airport and the 50th Street, and targeted several places in the Kilo 16 area with various bullets.