YEMEN Press Agency

American fighter jet crashes in Florida

SANAA, May 16 (YPA) – A fifth American F-22 fighter jet was destroyed on Friday, in Florida during a training flight.
“The F-22 plane of Squadron 43 fighters, which is part of the 325th Combat Wing currently stationed at the Eglin Base, has crashed,” said a statement from the US Air Force Base Eglin commando.

“The location of the accident was 12 miles (about 20 km) northeast of the main base,” the statement added.

It is noteworthy that a pilot managed to skydive and his condition is stable, and as a result of the accident, no one was injured and no home was destroyed.

The Air Force did not announce the reasons for the accident, and a special committee was formed to find out the reasons that led to the crash.

It is worth noting that the production of the F-22 was stopped in the United States, and was replaced by other fifth-generation fighters such as the “F-35”.