YEMEN Press Agency

Rouhani announces to ease Covid-19 restrictions in Iran

SANAA, May 16 (YPA) –  Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced on Saturday that some measures imposed due to the corona virus (Covid-19) epidemic have been eased, including the holding of Eid al-Fitr prayers in mosques, the reopening of restaurants after Ramadan, as well as the return of sports activities without an audience.

“Eid al-Fitr prayers will be held in mosques all over the country, but large gatherings do not take place,” Rouhani said in a televised speech.

“Sports activities and competitions will be re-established without the presence of fans,” he said, adding that “restaurants will reopen after Ramadan.”

“Universities will open their doors next month and entrance exams will also be held,” he said, adding that “the holy places will be opened partly after the holy month of Ramadan, opening 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening.”

Iran Health announced on Friday that 1,102  new cases of corona virus have been reported, bringing the total to 116,635.