YEMEN Press Agency

Video: 2 Palestinians killed, wounded in in Nablus

SANAA, April 3 (YPA) – An Israeli settler fired at two Palestinian youths near a checkpoint south of the northern West Bank town of Nablus on Wednesday morning, killing one and wounding other seriously.

In the details, media sources reported that the settler shot two youths, one of whom was killed and the other was seriously injured.

According to sources,  the dead man was taken to an unknown destination by the occupation forces, while the other was taken by Red Crescent to Rafidi Hospital.

 A released video showed the Palestinian man bleeding after he was shot by the Israeli soldiers.

Settlers have recently stepped up their attacks against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.


A few days earlier, a settler in the southern West Bank city of Hebron was stopped by an enclave of the Palestinian Authority’s preventive security apparatus and fired into the air, before troops from the occupation army came to the scene.