YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa, UNMHA discuss damage related to Zionist aggression on Hodeida port

SANAA, Aug. 21 (YPA) – Sanaa-based Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Jamal Ahmed Amer, met on Wednesday with the head of the United Nations Mission to support Hodeida Agreement (UNMHA), Michael Beary.

In the meeting, the two officials discussed issues related to the mission’s work, as well as the Zionist entity’s aggressive attack on civilian economic facilities in the port of Hodeida, which amounts up to war crimes.

During the meeting, the Minister stressed the need to commit to implementing the Stockholm Agreement, with its terms, including defining the mandate of the UNMHA in Hodeida province.

Mr. Amer pointed out the keenness of the ministry to provide all facilities and support to the UNMHA’s team and mission in Hodeida and to continue coordination and consultation, in order to ensure the success of missions and the implementation of its programs.

In turn, the UNMHA’s head affirmed that the UN committee would continue its work as required from its headquarters in the city of Hodeida, expressing his hope for everyone’s cooperation to achieve the desired goals of the presence of the mission to coordinate the redeployment in Hodeida.