YEMEN Press Agency

American doctors call on Biden to ban arms to Zionist entity

WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (YPA) – A group of American doctors, who recently have returned from the Gaza Strip, called on US President Joe Biden and his administration to immediately impose an arms embargo on the Zionist entity.

This came at a news conference that American doctors participating in the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago.

“The Israeli attacks destroy Gaza,” the doctors explained. “If the United States did not impose an immediate arms embargo on the entity, it would “continue to be its partner in crime.”

“The ongoing Israeli attacks for more than 10 months have made life for any civilian in Gaza literally impossible,” said Tammy Abu Ghanem, one of the doctors coming from Gaza.

“We cannot do our job while bombs are falling, Israeli snipers are targeting children and civilians, and Israeli helicopters are landing on groups of civilians,” he added,”because Israel has made our mission impossible with direct support from the United States.”

Abu Ghanem’s colleagues attended the press conference wearing Palestine’s keffiyehs, stressing the “horrific dimensions” of what happened in Gaza cannot be fully conveyed.

In turn, Dr. Feroz Sidhwa, in response to journalists’ questions, stated that she had been in Gaza from March 25 to April 8, and had witnessed “genocidal violence” for herself.