YEMEN Press Agency

US-British coalition aircraft attack Hodeida

HODEIDA, Aug. 21 (YPA) – The US-British coalition aircraft renewed on Wednesday air attacks on Yemen, targeting with a series of raids the Hodeida province, west of the country.

A security source in Hodeida confirmed that American-British warplanes hit Al-Salif District three times.

These attacks come after reports of naval operations by the Yemeni Armed Forces south of Aden and west of Hodeida.

Media outlets quoted the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) as saying that it had received a report about a new attack 57 nautical miles south of the Yemeni city of Aden and the sinking of a ship this morning, 77 nautical miles west of Hodeida.

Observers believe that the American-British attacks on civilian objects in Yemen are a desperate attempt to stop Yemen from continuing its decision to prevent Zionist ships from passing through the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in support of the resistance and support for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.