YEMEN Press Agency

Citizen kidnapped in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 11 (YPA) – A citizen was kidnapped in the city of Aden, which is under the control of the coalition, under mysterious circumstances without knowing who was behind the kidnapping.

Human rights sources in the city reported that citizen Walid Abadi suddenly disappeared two days ago in Aden, indicating that residents found his car in an uninhabited area.

The sources accused the UAE-affiliated transitional factions of being behind the kidnapping of Abadi, demanding them to reveal his fate.

This comes at a time when the people of Aden and the southern governorates are demanding that the fate of those kidnapped and forcibly disappeared in STC prisons be revealed after the involvement of faction leaders in the kidnapping and disappearance of Lieutenant Colonel Ali Ashal Al-Jaadani, who is from Abyan province, since mid-June.