YEMEN Press Agency

UNRWA calls for an investigation into Israel’s “violations” of human rights

GENEVA, July 31 (YPA) – The Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, called on Wednesday to investigate and put an end to Israeli “violations” of human rights and international humanitarian law.

This came in a post he made on the “X” platform, commenting on a report published by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Wednesday morning, in which it confirmed that Palestinians detained by Israel “arbitrarily and secretly are subjected to torture and ill-treatment.”

The UN report comes two days after a scandal arose inside Israel, where tension prevailed in Tel Aviv after right-wing extremists, including figures in power, stormed the Sde Teman and Beit Leed bases in southern and central Israel in protest against the detention of nine soldiers on charges of sexually assaulting a Palestinian prisoner from Gaza.

Lazzarini commented on the UN report that he attached to his post, noting that it presents “horrific accounts of inhuman treatment in Israeli detention centers.”

He confirmed that among the prisoners mentioned in the report are “employees from UNRWA.”

“This report matches the horrific testimonies of those we met after their release earlier this year,” Lazzarini said.

He added, “They told us about mistreatment and torture, including being deprived of sleep and food, not being allowed to use toilets, being forced to wear diapers, threatening to harm their family members, and being subjected to verbal and physical abuse.”