YEMEN Press Agency

Protest rally held in London in support of Palestinian people in Gaza

LONDON, July 19 (YPA) – Dozens of British organized on Friday a protest rally in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza Strip.

In the rally that was held in front of Parliament, where the participants called on the new Labor government to take immediate action to stop the war against the Palestinian people in the Strip.

They also called on the government to take decisive measures against sending British weapons to the Israeli entity.

The demonstration witnessed the participation of civil society activists and representatives of political forces.

The protesters formed, during the rally, a human cordon around Parliament, not for the purpose of punishment, but rather as a strong message demanding that the new government take immediate action to establish a ceasefire in Gaza.

They stressed the need to work to achieve justice and peace in the region, expressing their hope that the ruling party would respond to their just demands.