YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen military renews operations against Israeli-linked ships in Aden Gulf

SANAA, July 19 (YPA) – Yemen’s armed forces announced on Friday it had launched a unique military operation targeting the Israeli-linked ship in the Gulf of Aden.

Military spokesman, Brigadier General Yahiya Sarie, said in front the million-man march in Sabeen Square in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, that the ship ‘Lobivia’ was accurately and directly targeted with a number of ballistic missiles and drones in the Aden Gulf.

“Lobivia was attacked after being violated the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine,” he explained.

The spokesman stressed that the continuation of the massacres that Israeli occupation forces’ committing against the Palestinian people in Gaza will push the Yemeni people and its armed forces to more military operations in support of and triumph for the oppressed Palestinian people.

“The Yemeni armed forces renewed its call to all Arab and Islamic peoples to perform their religious, humanitarian and moral duties towards the Palestinian Arab people and to participate actively in this fateful and inevitable battle,” Sarie added.

He affirmed that the operations of the Yemeni military will not stop until the Israeli aggression is ended and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.