YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian Ministry of Health: The virus that causes poliomyelitis appear in sewage water in Gaza

GAZA, July 19 (YPA) – The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza revealed a ‘new health disaster’ as it conducted tests on sewage samples in coordination with UNICEF , and the results showed the presence of the virus that causes poliomyelitis.

“Detecting the virus that causes polio in sewage portends a real health disaster and exposes thousands of residents to the risk of contracting poliomyelitis,” the ministry said in a statement on Thursday evening.

It called for an immediate halt to the Israeli aggression, providing potable water, repairing sewage lines, and ending population crowding in places of displacement.

Meanwhile, Israeli Channel 12 reported that the Ministry of Health in the occupation government confirmed that it had found components of the type 2 poliovirus in sewage samples from Gaza strip.

The ministry said in a statement published by Channel 12 that the sample results matched those of the World Health Organization.

The samples tested in a WHO-accredited laboratory in Israel raise concerns about the virus’s presence in the area, the statement added.

Poliomyelitis is an infectious viral disease that affects the central nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis.

According to the World Health Organization, the escalation of hostilities by Israel in Gaza has led to a continuous rise in deaths and injuries, severe overcrowding in shelters, and the disruption of health, water, and sewage systems, which could accelerate the spread of infectious diseases.

