YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation forces withdraw from Shujaiya after two weeks of incursion

GAZA, July 10 (YPA) – Palestinian sources have reported that the Israeli occupation forces have withdrawn from the Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City after nearly two weeks of incursions.

During the two weeks, they committed brutal massacres against residents and carried out acts of displacement, but they have  suffered heavy  losses among officers and soldiers at the hands of the resistance.

In turn, the Israeli Army Radio stated that the Paratroopers Brigade, which had been operating in the Shujaiya neighborhood for the past two weeks, withdrew after it completed its mission.

The occupation army left behind significant destruction in the neighborhood, having demolished many residential blocks, razed large areas within it, and destroyed the infrastructure.

Since this morning, hundreds of Palestinians from the neighborhood have started to return to check on the remains of their homes and possessions that were destroyed by the occupation forces, now that they are certain of the army’s withdrawal.

Palestinian sources also reported that the occupation forces had razed the al-Tawansi cemetery and exhumed all the graves within it and the surrounding area in Shujaiya before withdrawing.

The occupation army had lost many of its officers and soldiers from the Paratroopers Brigade, Givati Brigade, and the 7th Armored Brigade in Shujaiya.

