YEMEN Press Agency

STC waves terrorism card in facing Saudi Arabia

ADEN, July 02 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Sothern Transitional Council (STC) threatened on Monday the countries of the region with terrorism if the southern issue was ignored and jumped on.

“Any jump on the southern issue will plunge the country into a deep abyss of wars, conflicts, and instability,” Secretary-General of the STC, Fadl Al-Jaadi, said on X platform.

Al-Jaadi added that they will find nothing in a fragile peace that is unable to withstand and the increasing pace of terrorism threatening the region, in a dangerous allusion to using the terrorism card to impose Abu Dhabi’s will in Yemen.

The STC accused Saudi Arabia of strengthening the presence of the “so-called Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council,” Rashad Al-Alimi, one of the most prominent security arms of the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh, during the summer war of 1994 against the people of the southern provinces.