YEMEN Press Agency

STC elements kidnap one of investors in Aden

ADEN, June 26 (YPA) – Armed men in the UAE-backed Transitional Council factions kidnapped an investor in the city of Aden and took him to one of their prisons in the city.

Human rights sources in the city confirmed that armed elements affiliated with the leader of the transitional authorities, Wissam Mawiyah, stormed Al-Rashed School, on Tuesday, and took the school owner, investor Mohammed Al-Rashed, to Al-Mamdara prison in the Sheikh Othman area without any legal justification.

The sources attributed the storming of the school and the kidnapping of Al-Rashed to pressure him to give up the Al-Rashed market for selling fish and vegetables in the same area in favor of the leader Mawiyah.

The sources also indicated that the gunmen destroyed the furniture and property inside the school intentionally.

The transitional leaders in Aden use kidnapping and disappearance as a mean of pressuring citizens to take possession of their property and lands and receive money in exchange for their release.