YEMEN Press Agency

UAE directs serious accusations against Islah Party authorities in Marib

ABU DHABI, June 26 (YPA) – The UAE accused the Islah Party authorities loyal to the Saudi-led coalition in Marib city of sending Al-Qaeda members to carry out terrorist attacks in a number of southern provinces controlled by the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC).

The head of the Center for Political Studies in Abu Dhabi, Khaled Al-Shamiri, said in a post on the “X” platform, “The death of Abu Saleh Al-Baydani proves the involvement of the Marib Authority and the Islah Party in Al-Qaeda and the terrorist attacks that targeted the south exclusively.”

Al-Shamiri added, “Marib and the Brotherhood-controlled areas not only export terrorist elements, but are also their fortress and refuge, to which they flee after carrying out their terrorist operations.”

Al-Shamiri had accused the president of the so-called “Presidential Leadership Council,” Rashad Al-Alimi, in June of last year of directing terrorist groups to launch attacks against the STC factions in Abyan and a number of other areas.

This came after similar accusations directed by Al-Shamiri to the member of the “Presidential Council” of the coalition, Abdullah Al-Alimi, of sending terrorist elements from Shabwa and Abyan towards Hadramout districts.