YEMEN Press Agency

Explosion leaves 3 casualties from Al-Qaeda following assassination attempt on security official in Abyan

ABYAN, May 26 (YPA) – A security official escaped an assassination attempt following an unknown explosion that resulted in death of three Al-Qaeda members in the Lawdar directorate in Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, sources familiar with the issued reported.

According to the sources, one of the officers loyal to Abyan Security Director Ali Nasser Al-Kazemi, known as “Abu Mashal,” survived an assassination attempt by unidentified gunmen believed to be affiliated with Al-Qaeda, who call themselves “Zara Storm.”

This came after their appearance earlier this May in Lawdar district amid silence and complicity from forces of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) backed by the UAE in the city.

Sources indicated that an unknown explosion occurred in one of the vehicles belonging to terrorist elements in the Al-Seila Al-Bayda area west of Lawdar, resulting in three casualties among them.

No further details about the incident were given.

According to the source, the terrorist elements distributed leaflets in various neighborhoods of Lwadar after their appearance, aiming at “changing evil and fighting corruption.”

The mobilization of Al-Qaeda elements in Lawdar, adjacent to Bayda province controlled by Sanaa forces, comes after the latter announced the fourth stage of escalation against Israeli ships in the Mediterranean Sea and preventing their passage in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean in support of Palestinian resistance in Gaza.