YEMEN Press Agency

Political calls urge accountability for senior leaders of STC

ADEN, May 27 (YPA) – The Southern Movement demands the accountability of senior civilian and military leaders of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) due to obscene wealth they have amassed since the war on Yemen began in March 2015.

Abdulrahman Al-Wali, a politician in the Southern Movement and an academic at Aden University, addressed the STC, in a post on  his ‘X’ account , Sunday, urging them to start holding their senior civilian and military leaders accountable.

He also asked them where they got this wealth from, especially those who have suddenly become rich after 2015.

Al-Wali pointed out that the popularity of the STC has begun to decline among the people of the southern provinces, amid ridicule of the Transitional Council’s calls to combat corruption.

Most of the leaders loyal to the STC have achieved sudden wealth by owning various investment companies and real estate, including gold shops and commercial malls inside and outside the country, within a limited period during the war on Yemen.