YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa declares upcoming military surprises in support of Gaza

SANAA, May 23 (YPA) – Leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, announced on Thursday the upcoming surprises regarding military operations in support of Gaza.

Theis came during a weekly speech that he made on the latest developments in the region and the Zionist aggression against Gaza.

“There is a continuous development process, and our coordination with the brothers in Iraq will have an additional contribution,” he said. “The direct operations from Yemeni territory will have a major impact and will witness great, significant and influential momentum.”

“Yemen’s military operations in support of the Palestinian people and Gaza during this week have amounted to 8 by firing 15 missiles and drones in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean,” the leader al-Houthi.

He confirmed that one of the military operations this week was carried out towards the Mediterranean Sea, in addition to shooting down two American 9MQ aircraft in the airspace of Marib and Bayda provinces.

Sayyed al-Houthi pointed out that one of the targeted ships belonged to one of the companies violated the embargo and entered the Zionist ports.

A total of 119 ships linked to the Israeli enemy, the Americans and the British have been targeted since the start of the Yemeni military operations in support of Gaza so far, he revealed.

The leader of the revolution noted that America tried to obstruct the fourth stage of escalation by working with many belts and activities, “but it gets failed”.

“The economic impacts on America and Britain continue with the rise in prices and shipping costs, because most goods are transported across the seas, he e re-affirmed, explaining that American and British intransigence and insistence on the siege of the Palestinian people is the reason for the impacts affecting them.”