YEMEN Press Agency

STC declares alert in 6 governorates

ADEN, Sept. 24 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transnational Council (STC), declared the alert of its leaders in six governorates on Monday.

This comes after the STC President Aidarous al-Zubaidi announced from the United States the arrangements for “fateful decisions.”

Leaders from the Presidency of the STC arrived in the governorates of Mahra, Hadramout, Abyan, Shabwa and Lahj.

According to sources, the STC leaders’ heading to these provinces came following high directives of al-Zubaidi, who is currently in the United States.

It was not clear what the objectives of these moves, but their timing indicates that al-Zubaidi’s arrangements included what he described as fateful decisions, which may include the declaration of a state in the south, according to what he said in an interview with British media.