YEMEN Press Agency

Islamic Jihad chief: We appreciate Iran’s constant support for the Palestinian people and their struggles

TEHRAN, June 15 (YPA) – Ziad Nakhaleh, Secretary General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, appreciated Iran’s constant support for the Palestinian people and their struggles.

This came during a meeting with The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Wednesday.

He gave a report on the recent developments in occupied Palestine, especially the Zionist regime’s failure in the recent 5-day battle in Gaza and the situation in the West Bank as well as the superior hand of the resistance groups in that region.

“Islamic Jihad came out of the war in Gaza with pride and we hope to see the final victory and the liberation of Holy Quds soon”, the Islamic Jihad chief underscored.

For his part, Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that “now the conditions for the Zionist regime have changed compared to seventy years ago and the regime leaders are right to be worried about not seeing the existence of the regime in its eighty years anniversary.”

He added, “the Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian resistance groups have found out that the key to achieving victory in the battle against the Zionist regime is resistance.”