YEMEN Press Agency

Lebanese army: A gang leader killed during security operation in Baalbek

WPORLD, June 15 (YPA) –  A gang leader, accused of participating in the killing of 3 soldiers, was killed in a security operation carried out in the area of Hortala in Baalbek, east of the country, the Lebanese army said in a statement.

In a statement, the Lebanese Army said it killed the gang leader, Z.M., during a Wednesday raid also near Haour Taala. That raid later escalated into a clash near the Dar al-Amal hospital in the Baalbeck region, according to a security source.

The army said the gang was transporting Z.M. to the hospital after the raid. When the army learned of the gang’s presence at the hospital, the army surrounded the premises.

In response, one of the gang members inside the hospital tried to take hostages, prompting a clash with army soldiers.

Several of the gang members were ultimately arrested and their weapons and ammunition were seized, according to the army.

The suspects will be investigated by the relevant judiciary and the remaining gang members are being pursued, the army added.