YEMEN Press Agency

Palestinian killed, others injured by Israeli occupation gunfire in Nablus

OCCUPIED PALESTINE, June 15 (YPA) -A Palestinian was killed and others were wounded at dawn on Thursday, by the Israeli occupation forces, during their continuous aggression on the city of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

“Palestine Today New agency”, quoting medical sources at Al-Najah Hospital in Nablus, announcing the death of the young man Khalil Yahya  Anis from Al-Ain camp, as a result of being wounded by Israeli bullets during the aggression on Nablus.

Ahmad Jibril, director of the Red Crescent ambulance station in Nablus, reported that two young men were hit by live ammunition in the head and thigh. The wounded were were taken to hospital, one of them in critical condition.

He added that another young man was injured after being trampled by an occupation vehicle, in addition to 170 others in cases of suffocation with toxic gas, and two of them were taken to hospital.