YEMEN Press Agency

Wreckage of crashed Indonesian plane was found

SANAA, Jun. 10 (YPA) – The Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency found body parts, clothes and debris in the Java Sea, after determining the location where the “Boeing 737-500” passenger plane crashed on Saturday.

The Associated Press quoted the head of the Search and Rescue Agency as saying that the remains and debris were found between the islands of Lankang and Lucky, at a depth of 23 meters below sea level.
The head of the Search and Rescue Agency in Indonesia said that the authorities detected, on Sunday, signals that may have been from the recorder of the flight of the “Sriwijaya Air” plane, which crashed into the sea minutes after taking off from Jakarta airport.
In turn, the Indonesian Minister of Transport, Bodhi Kariya Sumadi, announced earlier that forces had been sent to search for the plane, and that signals were detected at two points, which may have come from the black box.

The Indonesian “Boeing 737-500” Sriwijaya Air plane crashed on Saturday near Laki Island in the Java Sea, after taking off from Jakarta airport on a flight to Pontianak in the western Kalimantan province.
The plane was carrying at least 65 people, including 53 passengers and a crew of 12.